Your average salesperson in the automotive industry receives less than 10 hours of any training, and less than 3 hours of in person instruction. Poor employee training is the number one profit leak found among auto dealers! Invest in your staff, and the long-term rewards will follow!
Sales and management training programs with Just Drive Events has a proven track record of not only increasing sales and gross profits but also greatly improves salesperson retention and productivity!

Our automotive sales, finance, and marketing professionals can help you navigate any complex issues or challenges that may be impacting your bottom line in the rapidly evolving automotive industry.

Sales and Management Training
Better Training = Better Staff.
See how Just Drive Events can help transform your current sales team, and streamline your onboarding process for an immediate increase in productivity and profit!

Meet your Coach
The best way to improve the productivity of your entire staff is to participate in hands-on training as a team. Our experienced closers will customize their focus to meet your specific business or franchise needs. Our talented sales pros integrate seamlessly with your home team to maximize gross and results!